Time Series Analysis


Yair Mau


Welcome to Time Series Analysis for Environmental Sciences (71106) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. This is Yair Mau, your host for today. I am a senior lecturer at the Institute of Environmental Sciences, at the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, in Rehovot, Israel.

This website contains (almost) all the material you’ll need for the course. If you find any mistakes, or have any comments, please email me.


The material here is not comprehensive and does not constitute a stand alone course in Time Series Analysis. This is only the support material for the actual presential course I give.

what, who, when and where?

Course number 71106, 3 academic points
Yair Mau (lecturer), Erez Feuer (TA)
Tuesdays, from 11:15 to 14:00
Computer classroom #18
Office hours: Tuesdays, from 09:45 to 10:45 (you should send an email to let me know you are coming)


course description

Data analysis of time series, with practical examples from environmental sciences.

course aims

This course aims at giving the students a broad overview of the main steps involved in the analysis of time series: data management, data wrangling, visualization, analysis, and forecast. The course will provide a hands-on approach, where students will actively engage with real-life datasets from the field of environmental science.

learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module,students should be able to:

  • Explore a time-series dataset, while formulating interesting questions.
  • Choose the appropriate tools to attack the problem and answer the questions.
  • Communicate their findings and the methods they used to achieve them, using graphs, statistics, text, and a well-documented code.

books and other sources

Click here.


There will be assignments during the semester (totaling 50% of the final grade), and one final project (50%).