import stuff
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from darts import TimeSeries
from darts.models import ExponentialSmoothing
# %matplotlib widget
load data as a dataframe
df = pd.read_csv('dendrometer_sample.csv' , parse_dates= ['time' ], index_col= 'time' )
df = df['2020-01-01' :'2020-01-31' ]
df = df.resample('1H' ).mean()
/var/folders/hg/vb3h0zd17wn6zfm9q5zk3pbw0000gn/T/ipykernel_22961/ FutureWarning: 'H' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version, please use 'h' instead.
df = df.resample('1H').mean()
plot all columns
columns = df.columns
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len (columns), 1 , figsize= (10 , 10 ), sharex= True )
for i, column in enumerate (columns):
ax[i].plot(df.index, df[column])
Let’s fill the gaps in the temperature column.
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# find the time of the first nan in column 'T'
first_nan = df['T' ].isnull().idxmax()
# find the time of the last nan in column 'T'
last_nan = df['T' ].isnull()[::- 1 ].idxmax()
one_hour = pd.Timedelta('1H' )
missing_index = df[first_nan:last_nan].index
/var/folders/hg/vb3h0zd17wn6zfm9q5zk3pbw0000gn/T/ipykernel_22961/ FutureWarning: 'H' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use 'h' instead of 'H'.
one_hour = pd.Timedelta('1H')
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data = TimeSeries.from_dataframe(df)
training_data_forward = data["T" ].slice (df.index[0 ], first_nan - one_hour)
Show the code
model_forward = ExponentialSmoothing() training_data_forward)
ExponentialSmoothing(trend=ModelMode.ADDITIVE, damped=False, seasonal=SeasonalityMode.ADDITIVE, seasonal_periods=None, random_state=0, kwargs=None)
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N_to_fill = int ((last_nan - first_nan) / one_hour) + 1
prediction = model_forward.predict(n= N_to_fill)
df_pred_forward = pd.Series(data= prediction.values().flatten(), index= missing_index)
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fig, ax = plt.subplots()
data['T' ].plot(label= 'actual' )
# prediction.plot(label='forecast', lw=2)
ax.plot(df_pred_forward, color= 'red' , label= 'forecast' )
ax.set (xlabel= "" )
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training_data2 = data["T" ].slice (last_nan + one_hour, df.index[- 1 ])
time_index = training_data2.time_index
values = training_data2.values()
reversed_values = values[::- 1 ]
training_data_backward = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values(time_index, reversed_values)
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model_backward = ExponentialSmoothing() training_data_backward)
ExponentialSmoothing(trend=ModelMode.ADDITIVE, damped=False, seasonal=SeasonalityMode.ADDITIVE, seasonal_periods=None, random_state=0, kwargs=None)
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prediction2 = model_backward.predict(n= N_to_fill)
df_pred_backward = pd.Series(data= prediction2.values().flatten()[::- 1 ], index= missing_index)
Show the code
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
data['T' ].plot(label= 'actual' )
ax.plot(df_pred_backward, color= 'red' , label= 'forecast' )
ax.set (xlabel= "" )
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ramp = np.linspace(1 , 0 , N_to_fill)
interpolated = df_pred_forward * ramp + df_pred_backward * (1 - ramp)
Show the code
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
data['T' ].plot(label= 'actual' )
# prediction.plot(label='forecast', lw=2)
ax.plot(interpolated, color= 'red' , label= 'interpolated forecast' )
ax.set (xlabel= "" )
Show the code
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
data['T' ].plot(label= 'actual' )
ax.plot(df_pred_backward, color= 'gray' , label= 'backward' )
ax.plot(df_pred_forward, color= 'gray' , label= 'forward' )
ax.plot(interpolated, color= 'red' , label= 'interpolated forecast' )
ax.set (xlabel= "" )