# TOKEN = "f058958a-d8bd-47cc-95d7-7ecf98610e47"
# STATION_NUM = 28 # 28 = "SHANI"
# DATA = 10 # 10 = TDmax (max temperature)
# start = "2022/01/01"
# end = "2022/02/01"
# url = f"https://api.ims.gov.il/v1/envista/stations/{STATION_NUM}"
# url = f"https://api.ims.gov.il/v1/envista/stations/{STATION_NUM}/data/?from={start}&to={end}"
# # url = f"https://api.ims.gov.il/v1/envista/stations/{STATION_NUM}/data/{DATA}/data/11/?from={start}&to={end}"
# headers = {'Authorization': 'ApiToken f058958a-d8bd-47cc-95d7-7ecf98610e47'}
# response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)
# data= json.loads(response.text.encode('utf8'))
# # Save the JSON data to a file
# with open('shani_2022_january.json', 'w') as json_file:
# json.dump(data, json_file)
# data
73 API to download data from IMS
# # https://ims.gov.il/he/ObservationDataAPI
# # https://ims.gov.il/sites/default/files/2021-09/API%20explanation.pdf
# # https://ims.gov.il/sites/default/files/2022-04/Python%20API%20example.pdf
# TOKEN = "f058958a-d8bd-47cc-95d7-7ecf98610e47"
# DATA = 9 # 9 = TDmax (max temperature)
# start = "2022/01/01"
# end = "2022/02/01"
# url = f"https://api.ims.gov.il/v1/envista/stations/{STATION_NUM}/data/{DATA}/?from={start}&to={end}"
# headers = {'Authorization': 'ApiToken f058958a-d8bd-47cc-95d7-7ecf98610e47'}
# response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)
# data= json.loads(response.text.encode('utf8'))
# print(url)
# # RH = 8
# # TDmax = 10, max temperature
# # TDmin = 11, min temperature
# url = "https://api.ims.gov.il/v1/envista/stations/28/data/10/?from=2022/01/01&to=2022/01/31"
# response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)
# data = json.loads(response.text.encode('utf8'))
# df = pd.json_normalize(data['data'],record_path=['channels'], meta=['datetime'])
# df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['datetime']).dt.tz_localize(None) # ignore time zone information
# df = df.set_index('date')
# df
# data['data']