10  Exercises

We will calculate evapotranspiration using two methods: Thornthwaite and Penman. After that, we will compare these estimates with measurements of pan evaporation.

10.1 Download data from the IMS

Please follow the instructions below exactly as they are written. Go to the Israel Meteorological Service website, and download the following data:

  1. 10-min data
  • On the navigation bar on the left, choose “10 Minutes Observations”
  • Clock: Local time winter (UTC +2)
  • Choose the following date range: 01/01/2020 00:00 to 01/01/2021 00:00
  • Choose station Bet Dagan
  • Select units: Celcius, m/s, KJ/m^2
  • Under “Select parameters”, choose “Check All”
  • Choose option “by station”, then “Submit”
  • “Download Result as” CSV, call it bet-dagan-10min.csv
  1. radiation data
  • On the navigation bar on the left, choose “Hourly Radiation”
  • Clock: Local time winter (UTC +2)
  • Choose the following date range: 01/01/2020 00:00 to 01/01/2021 00:00
  • Select hours: Check all hours
  • Choose station Bet Dagan
  • Select units: KJ/m^2
  • Under “Select parameters”, choose “Check All”
  • “Download Result as” CSV, call it bet-dagan-radiation.csv
  1. pan evaporation data
  • On the navigation bar on the left, choose “Daily Observations”
  • Choose the following date range: 01/01/2020 00:00 to 01/01/2021 00:00
  • Choose station Bet Dagan Man
  • Select units: Celcius
  • Under “Select parameters”, choose “Check All”
  • “Download Result as” CSV, call it bet-dagan-pan.csv

If for some reason you can’t download the files following the instructions above, click here:

10.2 Install and import relevant packages

We will need to use two new packages:

If you don’t have them installed yet, run this:

!pip install pyet
!pip install noaa_ftp

Once they are installed, import all the necessary packages for today’s exercises.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters
register_matplotlib_converters()  # datetime converter for a matplotlib
import seaborn as sns
sns.set_theme(style="ticks", font_scale=1.5)
import pyet
from noaa_ftp import NOAA

10.3 import 10-minute data

df = pd.read_csv('bet-dagan-10min.csv',
                #  encoding = "ISO-8859-8",  # this shows hebrew characters properly
                 na_values=["-"]           # substitute "-" for NaN
df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date & Time (Winter)'], dayfirst=True)
df = df.set_index('timestamp')
# choose only relevant columns to us
# if we don't do this the taking the mean will fail because not all columns are numeric. try df.dtypes to see why
df = df[["Temperature (°C)",
         "Wind speed (m/s)",
         "Pressure at station level (hPa)",
         "Relative humidity (%)"]]
# resample to daily data according to "mean"
df = df.resample('D').mean()
# convert hecto pascals (hPa) to kilo pascals (kPa)
df["Pressure (kPa)"] = df["Pressure at station level (hPa)"] / 10.0
Temperature (°C) Wind speed (m/s) Pressure at station level (hPa) Relative humidity (%) Pressure (kPa)
2020-01-01 12.375000 1.552083 1013.263889 80.590278 101.326389
2020-01-02 12.020833 2.207639 1011.922917 85.631944 101.192292
2020-01-03 12.962500 4.763194 1013.757639 60.756944 101.375764
2020-01-04 10.849306 5.439583 1011.581250 76.909722 101.158125
2020-01-05 12.956250 4.765278 1012.361806 79.583333 101.236181
... ... ... ... ... ...
2020-12-28 14.797917 2.631915 1014.429861 58.729167 101.442986
2020-12-29 14.146528 1.493750 1015.031944 71.215278 101.503194
2020-12-30 14.186806 1.776389 1013.234028 68.923611 101.323403
2020-12-31 14.915278 1.395833 1011.840972 75.465278 101.184097
2021-01-01 11.600000 0.700000 1011.800000 95.000000 101.180000

367 rows × 5 columns

10.4 import radiation data

df_rad = pd.read_csv('bet-dagan-radiation.csv',
df_rad['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_rad['Date'], dayfirst=True)
df_rad = df_rad.set_index('Date')
Station Radiation type Hourly radiation 05-06 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 06-07 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 07-08 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 08-09 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 09-10 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 10-11 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 11-12 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 12-13 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 13-14 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 14-15 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 15-16 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 16-17 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 17-18 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 18-19 (KJ/m^2)
2020-01-01 Bet Dagan Rad 01/1991-04/2024 Global 0.0 10.8 270.0 594.0 1252.8 1407.6 1800.0 1587.6 1443.6 1123.2 482.4 57.6 0.0 0.0
2020-01-01 Bet Dagan Rad 01/1991-04/2024 Direct 0.0 3.6 72.0 428.4 1393.2 1281.6 1911.6 1414.8 1112.4 1083.6 752.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
2020-01-01 Bet Dagan Rad 01/1991-04/2024 Diffused 0.0 10.8 216.0 403.2 543.6 586.8 590.4 684.0 770.4 637.2 252.0 57.6 0.0 0.0
2020-01-02 Bet Dagan Rad 01/1991-04/2024 Global 0.0 10.8 241.2 518.4 1018.8 93.6 129.6 345.6 720.0 673.2 478.8 82.8 0.0 0.0
2020-01-02 Bet Dagan Rad 01/1991-04/2024 Direct 0.0 3.6 57.6 100.8 471.6 0.0 0.0 32.4 140.4 334.8 680.4 79.2 0.0 0.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2020-12-31 Bet Dagan Rad 01/1991-04/2024 Direct 0.0 0.0 892.8 1998.0 2455.2 2696.4 2710.8 2545.2 2386.8 2066.4 1328.4 169.2 0.0 0.0
2020-12-31 Bet Dagan Rad 01/1991-04/2024 Diffused 0.0 14.4 158.4 270.0 320.4 360.0 388.8 403.2 378.0 316.8 219.6 54.0 0.0 0.0
2021-01-01 Bet Dagan Rad 01/1991-04/2024 Global 0.0 14.4 302.4 882.0 1432.8 1814.4 1962.0 1897.2 1602.0 1170.0 572.4 75.6 0.0 0.0
2021-01-01 Bet Dagan Rad 01/1991-04/2024 Direct 0.0 0.0 662.4 1576.8 2181.6 2412.0 2422.8 2343.6 2188.8 1980.0 1350.0 126.0 0.0 0.0
2021-01-01 Bet Dagan Rad 01/1991-04/2024 Diffused 0.0 14.4 172.8 352.8 421.2 478.8 525.6 540.0 478.8 381.6 237.6 57.6 0.0 0.0

1098 rows × 16 columns

Choose only “Global” radiation. Then sum all hours of the day, and convert from kJ to MJ.

df_rad = df_rad[df_rad["Radiation type"] == "Global "]
df_rad['daily_radiation_MJ_per_m2_per_day'] = (df_rad.iloc[:, 2:]    # take all rows, columns 2 to end
                                                           .sum(axis=1) /  # sum all columns
                                                           1000            # divide by 1000 to convert from kJ to MJ
/var/folders/c3/7hp0d36n6vv8jc9hm2440__00000gn/T/ipykernel_93264/3322402408.py:2: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
  df_rad['daily_radiation_MJ_per_m2_per_day'] = (df_rad.iloc[:, 2:]    # take all rows, columns 2 to end
Station Radiation type Hourly radiation 05-06 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 06-07 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 07-08 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 08-09 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 09-10 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 10-11 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 11-12 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 12-13 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 13-14 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 14-15 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 15-16 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 16-17 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 17-18 (KJ/m^2) Hourly radiation 18-19 (KJ/m^2) daily_radiation_MJ_per_m2_per_day
2020-01-01 Bet Dagan Rad 01/1991-04/2024 Global 0.0 10.8 270.0 594.0 1252.8 1407.6 1800.0 1587.6 1443.6 1123.2 482.4 57.6 0.0 0.0 10.0296
2020-01-02 Bet Dagan Rad 01/1991-04/2024 Global 0.0 10.8 241.2 518.4 1018.8 93.6 129.6 345.6 720.0 673.2 478.8 82.8 0.0 0.0 4.3128
2020-01-03 Bet Dagan Rad 01/1991-04/2024 Global 0.0 10.8 334.8 1040.4 1612.8 1846.8 1904.4 1947.6 1296.0 964.8 669.6 46.8 0.0 0.0 11.6748
2020-01-04 Bet Dagan Rad 01/1991-04/2024 Global 0.0 3.6 97.2 237.6 208.8 208.8 93.6 79.2 352.8 144.0 183.6 36.0 0.0 0.0 1.6452
2020-01-05 Bet Dagan Rad 01/1991-04/2024 Global 0.0 7.2 118.8 226.8 421.2 882.0 1296.0 1090.8 1242.0 1101.6 388.8 79.2 0.0 0.0 6.8544
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2020-12-28 Bet Dagan Rad 01/1991-04/2024 Global 0.0 14.4 349.2 1000.8 1551.6 1810.8 2048.4 1796.4 1627.2 993.6 482.4 68.4 0.0 0.0 11.7432
2020-12-29 Bet Dagan Rad 01/1991-04/2024 Global 0.0 14.4 342.0 936.0 1530.0 1926.0 2088.0 1994.4 1702.8 1216.8 604.8 64.8 0.0 0.0 12.4200
2020-12-30 Bet Dagan Rad 01/1991-04/2024 Global 0.0 21.6 302.4 986.4 1526.4 1922.4 2080.8 2019.6 1720.8 1238.4 612.0 68.4 0.0 0.0 12.4992
2020-12-31 Bet Dagan Rad 01/1991-04/2024 Global 0.0 14.4 324.0 954.0 1476.0 1861.2 2012.4 1908.0 1627.2 1159.2 565.2 72.0 0.0 0.0 11.9736
2021-01-01 Bet Dagan Rad 01/1991-04/2024 Global 0.0 14.4 302.4 882.0 1432.8 1814.4 1962.0 1897.2 1602.0 1170.0 572.4 75.6 0.0 0.0 11.7252

366 rows × 17 columns

Now we can add the daily radiation we have just calculated to the first dataframe containing temperature, RH, etc.

df['daily_radiation_MJ_per_m2_per_day'] =  df_rad['daily_radiation_MJ_per_m2_per_day']
Temperature (°C) Wind speed (m/s) Pressure at station level (hPa) Relative humidity (%) Pressure (kPa) daily_radiation_MJ_per_m2_per_day
2020-01-01 12.375000 1.552083 1013.263889 80.590278 101.326389 10.0296
2020-01-02 12.020833 2.207639 1011.922917 85.631944 101.192292 4.3128
2020-01-03 12.962500 4.763194 1013.757639 60.756944 101.375764 11.6748
2020-01-04 10.849306 5.439583 1011.581250 76.909722 101.158125 1.6452
2020-01-05 12.956250 4.765278 1012.361806 79.583333 101.236181 6.8544
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2020-12-28 14.797917 2.631915 1014.429861 58.729167 101.442986 11.7432
2020-12-29 14.146528 1.493750 1015.031944 71.215278 101.503194 12.4200
2020-12-30 14.186806 1.776389 1013.234028 68.923611 101.323403 12.4992
2020-12-31 14.915278 1.395833 1011.840972 75.465278 101.184097 11.9736
2021-01-01 11.600000 0.700000 1011.800000 95.000000 101.180000 11.7252

367 rows × 6 columns

10.5 import pan evaporation data

df_pan = pd.read_csv('bet-dagan-pan.csv',
                     na_values=["-"]           # substitute "-" for NaN
df_pan['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_pan['Date'], dayfirst=True)
df_pan = df_pan.set_index('Date')
Station Maximum Temperature (°C) Minimum Temperature (°C) Grass Temperature (°C) Hail Frost Snow Fog Thunder Lightening Sand storm Gale Accumulated 6 hr evaporation (mm) Accumulated 12 hr evaporation (mm) Daily evaporation type A (mm) Daily evaporation type A code (code) Sunshine duration (minutes)
2020-01-01 Bet Dagan Man 01/1964-04/2024 NaN NaN NaN 0 NaN 0 0 0 0 0 NaN NaN NaN 0.8 0.0 NaN
2020-01-02 Bet Dagan Man 01/1964-04/2024 NaN NaN NaN 0 NaN 0 0 1 0 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2020-01-03 Bet Dagan Man 01/1964-04/2024 NaN NaN NaN 0 NaN 0 0 0 0 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2020-01-04 Bet Dagan Man 01/1964-04/2024 NaN NaN NaN 0 NaN 0 0 1 0 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2020-01-05 Bet Dagan Man 01/1964-04/2024 NaN NaN NaN 0 NaN 0 0 1 0 0 NaN NaN NaN 2.4 0.0 NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2020-12-28 Bet Dagan Man 01/1964-04/2024 NaN NaN NaN 0 NaN 0 0 0 0 0 NaN NaN NaN 3.0 0.0 NaN
2020-12-29 Bet Dagan Man 01/1964-04/2024 NaN NaN NaN 0 NaN 0 0 0 0 0 NaN NaN NaN 1.8 0.0 NaN
2020-12-30 Bet Dagan Man 01/1964-04/2024 NaN NaN NaN 0 NaN 0 0 0 0 0 NaN NaN NaN 2.4 0.0 NaN
2020-12-31 Bet Dagan Man 01/1964-04/2024 NaN NaN NaN 0 NaN 0 0 0 0 0 NaN NaN NaN 1.7 0.0 NaN
2021-01-01 Bet Dagan Man 01/1964-04/2024 NaN NaN NaN 0 NaN 0 0 0 0 0 NaN NaN NaN 1.5 0.0 NaN

367 rows × 17 columns

10.6 calculate penman

We need some data about the Bet Dagan Station. See here.

  • Latitude: 32.0073°
  • Elevation: 31 m
# the site elevation [m]
elevation = 31.0
# the site latitude [rad]
latitude = pyet.utils.deg_to_rad(32.0073)
penm = pyet.combination.penman(tmean=df["Temperature (°C)"],
                               wind=df["Wind speed (m/s)"],
                               pressure=df["Pressure (kPa)"],
                               rh=df["Relative humidity (%)"],
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.plot(penm, label="penman")
ax.plot(df_pan["Daily evaporation type A (mm)"], label="pan")
plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate()  # makes slanted dates
ax.set_ylabel("ET (mm)");

10.7 Thornthwaite

E = 16\left[ \frac{10\,T^\text{monthly mean}}{I} \right]^a,


I = \sum_{i=1}^{12} \left[ \frac{T_i^\text{monthly mean}}{5} \right]^{1.514},


\begin{split} a &= 6.75\times 10^{-7}I^3 \\ &- 7.71\times 10^{-5}I^2 \\ &+ 1.792\times 10^{-2}I \\ &+ 0.49239 \nonumber \end{split}

  • E is the monthly potential ET (mm)
  • T_\text{monthly mean} is the mean monthly temperature in °C
  • I is a heat index
  • a is a location-dependent coefficient

From df, make a new dataframe, df_th, that stores monthly temperatures means. Use resample function.

# monthly data
df_th = (df['Temperature (°C)'].resample('MS')  # MS assigns mean to first day in the month
# we now add 14 days to the index, so that all monthly data is in the middle of the month
# not really necessary, makes plot look better
df_th.index = df_th.index + pd.DateOffset(days=14)
Temperature (°C)
2020-01-15 12.484812
2020-02-15 14.044349
2020-03-15 16.371381
2020-04-15 18.476339
2020-05-15 23.177769
2020-06-15 24.666423
2020-07-15 27.380466
2020-08-15 28.099328
2020-09-15 28.421644
2020-10-15 25.058944
2020-11-15 19.266082
2020-12-15 15.915031
2021-01-15 11.600000

Calculate I, then a, and finally E_p. Add E_p as a new column in df_th.

# Preparing "I" for the Thornthwaite equation
I = np.sum(
               df_th['Temperature (°C)'] / 5
             ) ** (1.514)

# Preparing "a" for the Thornthwaite equation
a = (+6.75e-7 * I**3 
     -7.71e-5 * I**2
     +1.792e-2 * I
     + 0.49239)

# The final Thornthwaite model for monthly potential ET (mm)
df_th['Ep (mm/month)'] = 16*(
                                  10 * df_th['Temperature (°C)'] / I
                               ) ** a
Temperature (°C) Ep (mm/month)
2020-01-15 12.484812 20.695370
2020-02-15 14.044349 27.765987
2020-03-15 16.371381 40.716009
2020-04-15 18.476339 55.071668
2020-05-15 23.177769 96.997621
2020-06-15 24.666423 113.308714
2020-07-15 27.380466 147.047919
2020-08-15 28.099328 156.877841
2020-09-15 28.421644 161.409587
2020-10-15 25.058944 117.864618
2020-11-15 19.266082 61.138581
2020-12-15 15.915031 37.941007
2021-01-15 11.600000 17.225130
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.plot(penm, label="penman")
ax.plot(df_pan["Daily evaporation type A (mm)"], label="pan")
ax.plot(df_th['Ep (mm/month)']/30, label="thornthwaite")

plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate()  # makes slated dates
ax.set_ylabel("ET (mm/day)")
Text(0, 0.5, 'ET (mm/day)')

10.8 Data from NOAA

Let’s download data from a different repository. More specifically, we will retrieve sub-hourly data from the U.S. Climate Reference Network. We can see all the sites in this map. Besides the sub-hourly data, we can find other datasets (monthly, daily, etc).

As an example, we will choose the station near Austin, Texas.

The Austin 33 NW station has coordinates (30.62000, -98.08000) and an elevation of 1361 m above sea level. Its climate is classified as humid subtropical. Rainfall is evenly distributed rainfall throughout the year, averaging around 870 mm per year. The summer is hot and long, where average maximum temperatures reach 35 °C in July and August. The coldest month is January, with average maximum temperatures of 17 °C.

This station lies in the transition zone between the humid regions of the American Southwest and the dry deserts of the American Southwest.

In order to download, we will access the data from the FTP client using the python package noaa_ftp.

The dir command list everything in the folder:

noaa_dir = NOAA("ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov", 'pub/data/uscrn/products/subhourly01').dir()
drwxrwsr-x   2 ftp      ftp          8192 Oct  7  2020 2006
drwxrwsr-x   2 ftp      ftp          8192 Nov 10  2021 2007
drwxrwsr-x   2 ftp      ftp          8192 Dec  1  2020 2008
drwxrwsr-x   2 ftp      ftp         12288 May 25  2021 2009
drwxrwsr-x   2 ftp      ftp         12288 Nov 10  2021 2010
drwxrwsr-x   2 ftp      ftp         12288 Nov 12  2021 2011
drwxrwsr-x   2 ftp      ftp         12288 Nov 12  2021 2012
drwxrwsr-x   2 ftp      ftp         12288 Nov 15  2021 2013
drwxrwsr-x   2 ftp      ftp         12288 Nov 15  2021 2014
drwxrwsr-x   2 ftp      ftp         12288 Nov 12  2021 2015
drwxrwsr-x   2 ftp      ftp         12288 Nov 12  2021 2016
drwxrwsr-x   2 ftp      ftp         12288 Nov 15  2021 2017
drwxrwsr-x   2 ftp      ftp         12288 Nov 12  2021 2018
drwxrwsr-x   2 ftp      ftp         12288 Nov 24  2021 2019
drwxrwsr-x   2 ftp      ftp         12288 Nov 30  2021 2020
drwxrwsr-x   2 ftp      ftp         12288 Jan 29  2022 2021
drwxrwsr-x   2 ftp      ftp         12288 Aug 23  2022 2022
drwxrwsr-x   2 ftp      ftp         12288 Nov 29  2023 2023
drwxrwsr-x   2 ftp      ftp         12288 Apr  9 16:53 2024
-rw-rw-r-x   1 ftp      ftp          2157 Feb 18  2022 headers.txt
-rw-rw-r-x   1 ftp      ftp           456 Oct  7  2020 HEADERS.txt
-rw-rw-r-x   1 ftp      ftp         14892 Feb 18  2022 readme.txt
-rw-rw-r-x   1 ftp      ftp         14936 Sep 21  2021 README.txt
drwxrwsr-x   2 ftp      ftp          8192 May 27 01:50 snapshots

It’s worth clicking here to see this directory with your own eyes. You can use your browser to explore this. Click on readme.txt and, well, read it.

Let’s download two files:

  • sub-hourly data for the year 2022 for Austin, TX.
  • the HEADERS.txt contains the names of the columns in the csv.

Type the following lines:

noaa = NOAA("ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov", 'pub/data/uscrn/products/subhourly01').download('HEADERS.txt')
noaa = NOAA("ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov", 'pub/data/uscrn/products/subhourly01/2022').download('CRNS0101-05-2022-TX_Austin_33_NW.txt')

If for some reason you can’t download directly from NOAA, click here to get the files:

# Read column names from another file
column_names = pd.read_csv('HEADERS.txt',
# Read CSV file using column names from another file
df = pd.read_csv("CRNS0101-05-2022-TX_Austin_33_NW.txt",  # file to read
                 sep='\s+',  # use (any number of) white spaces as delimiter between columns
                 names=column_names.iloc[1],  # column names from row i=1 of "column_names"
                 na_values=[-99, -9999, -99999],  # substitute these values by NaN
# make integer column LST_DATE as string
df['LST_DATE'] = df['LST_DATE'].astype(str)#.apply(lambda x: f'{x:0>4}')
# make integer column LST_DATE as string
# pad numbers with 0 from the left, such that 15 becomes 0015
df['LST_TIME'] = df['LST_TIME'].apply(lambda x: f'{x:0>4}')
# combine both DATE and TIME 
df['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['LST_DATE'] + df['LST_TIME'], format='%Y%m%d%H%M')
df = df.set_index('datetime')
2021-12-31 18:05:00 23907 20220101 5 20211231 1805 2.623 -98.08 30.62 23.3 0.0 ... C 0 66.0 0 NaN NaN 964.0 0 1.48 0
2021-12-31 18:10:00 23907 20220101 10 20211231 1810 2.623 -98.08 30.62 23.3 0.0 ... C 0 66.0 0 NaN NaN 964.0 0 1.48 0
2021-12-31 18:15:00 23907 20220101 15 20211231 1815 2.623 -98.08 30.62 23.2 0.0 ... C 0 66.0 0 NaN NaN 964.0 0 1.01 0
2021-12-31 18:20:00 23907 20220101 20 20211231 1820 2.623 -98.08 30.62 23.1 0.0 ... C 0 66.0 0 NaN NaN 964.0 0 0.51 0
2021-12-31 18:25:00 23907 20220101 25 20211231 1825 2.623 -98.08 30.62 22.7 0.0 ... C 0 68.0 0 NaN NaN 964.0 0 0.67 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2022-12-31 17:40:00 23907 20221231 2340 20221231 1740 2.623 -98.08 30.62 20.8 0.0 ... C 0 37.0 0 NaN NaN 964.0 0 2.92 0
2022-12-31 17:45:00 23907 20221231 2345 20221231 1745 2.623 -98.08 30.62 20.7 0.0 ... C 0 37.0 0 NaN NaN 963.0 0 2.94 0
2022-12-31 17:50:00 23907 20221231 2350 20221231 1750 2.623 -98.08 30.62 20.6 0.0 ... C 0 37.0 0 NaN NaN 962.0 0 3.61 0
2022-12-31 17:55:00 23907 20221231 2355 20221231 1755 2.623 -98.08 30.62 20.4 0.0 ... C 0 38.0 0 NaN NaN 962.0 0 3.03 0
2022-12-31 18:00:00 23907 20230101 0 20221231 1800 2.623 -98.08 30.62 20.1 0.0 ... C 0 39.0 0 NaN NaN 961.0 0 2.32 0

105120 rows × 23 columns

The provided data is not the same as what is provided by the IMS.

  • Now we don’t have air pressure values, so we need to provide elevation.
  • We do have R_n (net radiation), so there is no need to provide latitude.

Attention! According to the headers file, net radiation provided by NOAA is in W m^{-2}, but pyet requires it to be MJ m^{-2} d^{-1}. We need to agreggate the downloaded data into daily radiation.

Data comes in 5-minute intervals, so if we have a value x W m^{-2} over a 5-minute interval, the total amount of energy is:

x \frac{W}{m^{-2}}\times 5\, min = x \frac{J}{m^{-2}\cdot s}\times 5\cdot 60\, s = x\cdot 5 \cdot 60 \frac{J}{m^{-2}}

Let’s call X=\sum_{day}x. Then, summing all energy in 1 day:

\sum_{day}x \cdot 5 \cdot 60 \frac{J}{m^{-2}\cdot day} = \sum_{day}x \cdot 5 \cdot 60\cdot 10^{-6} \frac{MJ}{m^{-2}\cdot day}

Make a new dataframe with daily means for temperature, relative humidity and wind speed.

2021-12-31 21.721127 79.985915 2.113662
2022-01-01 18.336806 65.833333 2.586840
2022-01-02 -0.222222 46.187500 3.849757
2022-01-03 4.592708 36.927083 0.892778
2022-01-04 9.964583 41.996528 2.428924
... ... ... ...
2022-12-27 6.534375 50.871528 1.881597
2022-12-28 14.418056 65.090278 3.289167
2022-12-29 16.878125 72.934028 2.068750
2022-12-30 13.047917 51.006944 1.180729
2022-12-31 15.010138 58.387097 2.590276

366 rows × 3 columns

X = df['SOLAR_RADIATION'].resample('D').sum()
df_TX['SOLAR_RADIATION'] = X * 5 * 60 * 1e-6
2021-12-31 21.721127 79.985915 2.113662 0.0000
2022-01-01 18.336806 65.833333 2.586840 7.2870
2022-01-02 -0.222222 46.187500 3.849757 14.2536
2022-01-03 4.592708 36.927083 0.892778 14.4309
2022-01-04 9.964583 41.996528 2.428924 14.2056
... ... ... ... ...
2022-12-27 6.534375 50.871528 1.881597 11.5200
2022-12-28 14.418056 65.090278 3.289167 10.9917
2022-12-29 16.878125 72.934028 2.068750 5.9829
2022-12-30 13.047917 51.006944 1.180729 2.9967
2022-12-31 15.010138 58.387097 2.590276 12.7248

366 rows × 4 columns

Let’s use PYET to calculate the potential ET. This is the time to go to the library’s GitHub page and read the functions: https://github.com/pyet-org/pyet/tree/master

elevation = 358
penm2 = pyet.combination.penman(tmean=df_TX["AIR_TEMPERATURE"],
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.plot(penm2, label="penman")
plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate()  # makes slanted dates
ax.set_ylabel("ET (mm/day)");

Does this make sense? How can we know?

What happens if we download data from a station, and we’re missing Solar Radiation? What to do? The library PYET can infer solar ratiation given the station latitude and the number of daylight hours in the day.

lat = 30.62  # degrees
lat = pyet.utils.deg_to_rad(lat)
df_TX['daylight_hours'] = pyet.meteo_utils.daylight_hours(tmean.index, lat)
penm3 = pyet.combination.penman(tmean=df_TX["AIR_TEMPERATURE"],
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.plot(penm2, label="with radiation data")
ax.plot(penm3, label="without radiation data")
plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate()  # makes slated dates
ax.set_ylabel("ET (mm/day)")
Text(0, 0.5, 'ET (mm/day)')

es = pyet.meteo_utils.calc_es(tmean=df_TX["AIR_TEMPERATURE"])
ea = pyet.meteo_utils.calc_ea(tmean=df_TX["AIR_TEMPERATURE"],
vpd = es - ea
sns.set_theme(style="ticks", font_scale=1.0)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(6,1, figsize=(10,15), sharex=True)
ax[0].plot(penm2); ax[0].set_ylabel("potential ET (mm/day)")
ax[1].plot(df_TX['AIR_TEMPERATURE']); ax[1].set_ylabel("temperature (°C)")
ax[2].plot(df_TX['RELATIVE_HUMIDITY']); ax[2].set_ylabel("relative humidity (%)")
ax[3].plot(df_TX['WIND_1_5']); ax[3].set_ylabel("wind speed (m/s)")
ax[4].plot(df_TX['SOLAR_RADIATION']); ax[4].set_ylabel("solar radiation (MJ/m2/day)")
ax[5].plot(vpd); ax[5].set_ylabel("VPD (kPa)")
Text(0, 0.5, 'VPD (kPa)')

Can you see some patterns from the graphs above? Let’s focus on the relationship between ET and solar radiation.

sns.set_theme(style="ticks", font_scale=1.0)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,1, figsize=(10,8), sharex=True)
ax[0].plot(penm2); ax[0].set_ylabel("potential ET (mm/day)")
ax[1].plot(df_TX['SOLAR_RADIATION']); ax[1].set_ylabel("solar radiation (MJ/m2/day)")
Text(0, 0.5, 'solar radiation (MJ/m2/day)')