Evapotranspiration - exercises
- Download data from the IMS
- Import relevant packages
- import hourly data
- import daily data with pan evaporation
- import daily data with radiation
- Part 1: Thornthwaite estimation
- Part 2: Penman
We will calculate the evapotranspiration using two methods: Thornthwaite and Penman.
Download data from the IMS
Go to the Israel Meteorological Service website, and download the following data:
hourly data
- on the first page, choose all options and press continue.
- on the next page, choose the following date range: 01/01/2020 to 01/01/2021, then press continue.
- Choose station Bet Dagan (בית דגן 2523), then select (בחר), then continue.
- Choose option "by station" (לפי תחנות), then produce report.
- Download report as csv, call it "bet-dagan-3h.csv".
daily data
- on the first page, choose all options and press continue.
- on the next page, choose the following date range: 01/01/2020 to 01/01/2021, then press continue.
- Choose station Bet Dagan Meuyeshet (בית דגן מאוישת 2520), then select (בחר), then continue.
- Choose option "by station" (לפי תחנות), then produce report.
- Download report as csv, call it "bet-dagan-day-pan.csv".
radiation data
- on the first page, choose all options, then on the bottom right option "radiation" (קרינה), choose kJ/m2, and then press continue.
- on the next page, choose the following date range: 01/01/2020 to 01/01/2021, then press continue.
- Choose station Bet Dagan Krina (בית דגן קרינה 2524), then select (בחר), then continue.
- Choose option "by station" (לפי תחנות), then produce report.
- Download report as csv, call it "bet-dagan-radiation.csv".
Import relevant packages
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters
register_matplotlib_converters() # datetime converter for a matplotlib
import seaborn as sns
sns.set(style="ticks", font_scale=1.5)
df = pd.read_csv('bet-dagan-3h.csv', encoding = 'unicode_escape', na_values=["-"])
# find out what hebrew gibberish means: http://www.pixiesoft.com/flip/
name_conversion_dictionary = {"ùí úçðä": "station name",
"îñôø úçðä": "station number",
"úàøéê": "Date",
"ùòä-LST": "LST time",
"èîôøèåøä(C°)": "T",
"èîôøèåøä ìçä(C°)": "wet-bulb temperature (°C)",
"èîôøèåøú ð÷åãú äèì(C°)": "dew_point_T",
"ìçåú éçñéú(%)": "relative humidity (%)",
"îäéøåú äøåç(m/s)": "wind_speed",
"ëéååï äøåç(îòìåú)": "wind direction (degrees)",
"ìçõ áâåáä äúçðä(hPa)": "Pressure",
"ìçõ áâåáä ôðé äéí(hPa)": "pressure at sea level (hPa)",
"""äúàãåú éåîéú îâéâéú ñåâ à'(î"î)""": "pan evaporation (mm)",
"ñåâ ÷øéðä()": "radiation type",
# units
# T = temperature (°C)
# dew_point_T = dew point temperature (°C)
# wind_speed = wind speed (m/s)
# Pressure = pressure at station height (hPa = 0.1 kPa)
df = df.rename(columns=name_conversion_dictionary)
df['timestamp'] = df['Date'] + ' ' + df['LST time']
df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df['timestamp'], dayfirst=True)
df = df.set_index('timestamp')
df2 = pd.read_csv('bet-dagan-day-pan.csv', encoding = 'unicode_escape', na_values=["-"])
df2 = df2.rename(columns=name_conversion_dictionary)
df2['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df2['Date'], dayfirst=True)
df2 = df2.set_index('Date')
df3 = pd.read_csv('bet-dagan-radiation.csv', encoding = 'unicode_escape', na_values=["-"])
df3 = df3.rename(columns=name_conversion_dictionary)
df3['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df3['Date'], dayfirst=True)
df3 = df3.set_index('Date')
df3 = df3.replace({"éùéøä": "direct",
"îôåæøú": "diffuse",
"âìåáàìéú": "global"})
df3['daily_radiation_MJ_per_m2_per_day'] = df3.iloc[:, 3:].sum(axis=1)/1000
df_radiation = df3.loc[df3["radiation type"] == "global", "daily_radiation_MJ_per_m2_per_day"].to_frame()
$$ E = 16\left[ \frac{10\,T^\text{monthly mean}}{I} \right]^a, $$ Part 1: Thornthwaite estimation
$$ I = \sum_{i=1}^{12} \left[ \frac{T_i^\text{monthly mean}}{5} \right]^{1.514}, $$and
$$ \begin{align} a &= 6.75\times 10^{-7}I^3 \\ &- 7.71\times 10^{-5}I^2 \nonumber\\ &+ 1.792\times 10^{-2}I \nonumber\\ &+ 0.49239 \nonumber \end{align} $$- $E$ is the monthly potential ET (mm)
- $T_\text{monthly mean}$ is the mean monthly temperature in °C
- $I$ is a heat index
- $a$ is a location-dependent coefficient
From df, make a new dataframe, df_th, that stores monthly temperatures means. Use resample
# monthly data
df_th = (df['T'].resample('MS') # MS assigns mean to first day in the month
# we now add 14 days to the index, so that all monthly data is in the middle of the month
# not really necessary, makes plot look better
df_th.index = df_th.index + pd.DateOffset(days=14)
Calculate $I$, then $a$, and finally $E_p$. Add $E_p$ as a new column in df_th.
# Preparing "I" for the Thornthwaite equation
I = np.sum( (df_th['T']/5)**(1.514) )
# Preparing "a" for the Thornthwaite equation
a = (+6.75e-7 * I**3
-7.71e-5 * I**2
+1.792e-2 * I
+ 0.49239)
# The final Thornthwaite model for monthly potential ET (mm)
df_th['Ep'] = 16*((10*df_th['T']/I)**a)
Plot the Thornthwaite ET that you calculated.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10,7))
ylabel=r"$E_p$ (mm)",
title="Thornthwaite potential evapotranspiration");
Part 2: Penman
The Penman model is almost entirely a theory based formula for predicting evaporative flux. It can run on a much finer timescale, and requires a much wider variety of data than most models. In addition to temperature, the Penman functions on measurements of radiation, wind speed, elevation above sea level, vapour-pressure deficit, and heat flux density to the ground.
$$ E = \frac{1}{\lambda}\left[ \frac{\Delta}{\Delta+\gamma}Q_{ne}+ \frac{\gamma}{\Delta+\gamma}E_A \right], $$where $Q_n$ is the available energy flux density
$$ Q_n = R_n - G, $$and $E_A$ is the drying power of the air
$$ E_A = 6.43\cdot f(u)\cdot\text{VPD}. $$$$ \gamma = \frac{c_p\, P}{\lambda\cdot MW_\text{ratio}} $$$$ P = 101.3-0.01055 H $$$$ \lambda = 2.501 - 2.361\times 10^{-3}\,T $$- $MW_\text{ratio}=0.622$: ratio molecular weight of water vapor/dry air
- $P$: atmospheric pressure (kPa). Can be either measured or inferred from station height above sea level (m).
- $\lambda$: latent heat of water vaporization (MJ kg$^{-1}$)
where $\alpha$ (dimensionless) is the albedo. The net outgoing thermal radiation $R_b$ is given by
$$ R_b = \left( a\frac{R_s}{R_{so}+b} \right)R_{bo}, $$where $R_{so}$ is the solar radiation on a cloudless day, and it depends on latitude and day of the year. $R_{bo}$ is given by
$$ R_{bo} = \epsilon\, \sigma\, T^4_{Kelvin}, $$where $\sigma=4.903\times 10^{-9}$ MJ m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$ K$^{-4}$, and $\epsilon$ is net net emissivity:
$$ \epsilon=-0.02+0.261 \exp\left(-7.77\times10^{-4}T_{Celcius}^2\right). $$The parameters $a$ and $b$ are determined for the climate of the area:
- $a=1.0$, $b=0.0$ for humid areas,
- $a=1.2$, $b=-0.2$ for arid areas,
- $a=1.1$, $b=-0.1$ for semihumid areas.
For temperatures ranging from 0 to 50 °C, the saturation vapor pressure can be calculated with
$$ e_s = \exp \left[ \frac{16.78\, T -116.9}{T+237.3} \right], $$and the actual vapor pressure is given by
$$ e_d = e_s \frac{RH}{100}, $$$$ \Delta = \frac{\text{d} e_s}{\text{d}T} = e_s(T)\cdot \frac{4098.79}{(T+237.3)^2}. $$$$ f(u) = 0.26(1.0 + 0.54\, u_2) $$The various components of the equations above are:
$$ \Delta = 0.200 \cdot (0.00738\,T + 0.8072)^7 - 0.000116 $$
$$ \gamma = \frac{c_p\, P}{0.622 \lambda} $$
$$ P = 101.3-0.01055 H $$
$$ \lambda = 2.501 - 2.361\times 10^{-3}\,T $$
$$ f_e(u) = 1.0 + 0.53\, u_2 $$
$$ G = 4.2\frac{T_{i+1}-T_{i-1}}{\Delta t} $$
$$ e_s = \exp \left[ \frac{16.78\, T -116.9}{T+237.3} \right] $$
$$ e_d = e_s \frac{RH}{100} $$ where $\Delta t$ is the time in days between midpoints of time periods $i+1$ and $i−1$, and $T$ is the air temperature (°C).
- $\Delta$: slope of the saturation water vapor pressure curve (kPa °C$^{-1}$)
- $\gamma$: psychrometric constant (kPA °C$^{-1}$)
- $c_p=0.001013$: specific heat of water at constant pressure (MJ kg$^{-1}$ °C$^{-1}$)
- $P$: atmospheric pressure (kPa)
- $H$: elevation above sea level (m)
- $\lambda$: latent heat of vaporization (MJ kg$^{-1}$)
- $R_n$: net radiation (MJ m$^{-2} d^{-1}$)
- $G$: heat flux density to the ground (MJ m$^{-2} d^{-1}$)
- $u_{2}$: wind speed measured 2 m above ground (m s$^{-1}$)
- $e_{s} - e_{d}$: vapor pressure deficit (kPa)
- $e_{s}$: saturation vapor pressure (kPa)
- $e_{d}$: actual vapor pressure (kPa)
Calculate daily means for the following columns: temperature T
, wind speed wind_speed
, atmospheric pressure Pressure
, and relative humidity relative humidity (%)
. Remember that pressure data was given in hectopascal, 1 hPa = 0.1 kPa. Store all the calculated values in a new dataframe, called df_pen
# Resampling hourly data over same day and taking mean, to obtain daily averages
df_pen = (df['T'].resample('D')
df_pen['dew_point'] = (df['dew_point_T'].resample('D')
df_pen['u'] = (df['wind_speed'].resample('D')
df_pen['P'] = (df['Pressure'].resample('D')
df_pen['RH'] = (df['relative humidity (%)'].resample('D')
With average $T$ for every day of the year, we can now calculate daily latent heat of vaporization $\lambda$, the slope of the saturation-vapor pressure-temperature curve $\Delta$, and the heat flux density to the ground $G$. Add each of these to dataframe df_pen
Calculate also the wind function using the data for wind speed, and add this to df_pen
def lambda_latent_heat(T):
"""daily latent heat of vaporization (MJ/kg)"""
return 2.501 - 2.361e-3*T
def Delta(T):
"""slope of saturation-vapor curve (kPa/°C)"""
return 0.2000*(0.00738*T + 0.8072)**7 - 0.000116
def G(T):
"""heat flux density to the ground, G (MJ/m2/d)"""
return 4.2*np.gradient(T.values)
cp = 0.001013 # (MJ kg−1 °C−1)
df_pen['lambda'] = lambda_latent_heat(df_pen['T'])
df_pen['Delta'] = Delta(df_pen['T'])
df_pen['G'] = G(df_pen['T'])
df_pen['gamma'] = (cp*df_pen['P'])/(0.622*df_pen['lambda'])
df_pen['f_wind'] = 1.0 + 0.53 * df_pen['u']
It's time to calculate net radiation $R_n$. The monthly mean solar radiation $R_{so}$ for latitude 30 degrees is
[17.46, 21.65, 25.96, 29.85, 32.11, 33.20, 32.66, 30.44, 26.67, 22.48, 18.30, 16.04]
(MJ m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$)
(Israel's latitude is ~ 31 degrees).
- Add a new column
, where each day has the appropriate $R_{so}$ given by the data above. - Add a new columns
with the global radiation data imported in the 3rd file.
# Rso: mean solar radiation from a cloudless sky (based on latitude)
# MJ/m2/d
Rso_monthly = np.array([17.46, 21.65, 25.96, 29.85,
32.11, 33.20, 32.66, 30.44,
26.67, 22.48, 18.30, 16.04])
# create empty columns
df_pen["Rso_monthly"] = ""
# every day in the month will have the same values for Rso
for i in range(12):
df_pen.loc[df_pen.index.month==(i+1), "Rso_monthly"] = Rso_monthly[i]
df_pen["Rs"] = df_radiation["daily_radiation_MJ_per_m2_per_day"]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10,7))
ax.set_ylabel(r"$R_{so}$ (MJ m$^{-2} d^{-1}$)")
middle = pd.date_range(start='1/1/2020', periods=13, freq='MS') + pd.DateOffset(days=14)
new = df_pen.loc[middle, 'Rso_monthly'].astype('float')
df_i = (pd.DataFrame(data=new, index=new.index) #create the dataframe
.resample("D") #resample daily
.interpolate(method='time') #interpolate by time
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10,7))
ax.plot(df_i, 'o')
ax.set_title("time interpolation")
ax.set_ylabel(r"$R_{so}$ (MJ m$^{-2} d^{-1}$)")
from: Ward & Trimble, "Environmental Hydrology", 2nd Edition, page 99.
- Calculate
R_{bo} = \epsilon\, \sigma\, T^4_{Kelvin},
\epsilon=-0.02+0.261 \exp\left(-7.77\times10^{-4}T_{Celcius}^2\right),
$$ \sigma=4.903\times 10^{-9} \text{ MJ m$^{-2}$ d$^{-1}$ K$^{-4}$}, $$ and $$ T_{Kelvin}=T_{Celcius}+273.15 $$ - Calculate
R_b = \left( a\frac{R_s}{R_{so}+b} \right)R_{bo},
- for humid areas, $a=1.0$ and $b=0$,
- for arid areas, $a=1.2$ and $b=-0.2$,
- for semihumid areas, $a=1.1$ and $b=-0.1$
- Finally, calculate
R_n = (1-\alpha)R_s\!\! \downarrow -R_b \!\! \uparrow,
- $\alpha= 0.23$ for most green crops with a full cover
- $\alpha= 0.04$ for fresh asphalt
- $\alpha= 0.12$ for worn-out asphalt
- $\alpha= 0.55$ for fresh concrete
Add a new column Rn
to df_pen
# Stefan-Boltzmann constant
sigma = 4.903e-9
emissivity = -0.02 + 0.261 * np.exp(-7.77e-4 * df_pen['T']**2)
# Rbo: net longwave radiation for clear skies, otherwise known as diffuse radiation or emitted radiation from the
# atmosphere - 'how hot is it?'
Rbo = emissivity*sigma*((df_pen['T']+273.15)**4)
# net outgoing long-wave radiation (note: Rs/Rso = proportion of how clear the day is)
# for humid areas, a=1.0 and b=0
# for arid areas, a=1.2 and b=-0.2
# for semihumid areas, a=1.1 and b=-0.1
a = 1.2
b = -0.2
Rb = (a*df_pen['Rs']/df_pen['Rso_monthly'] + b)*Rbo
# α is the albedo, or short-wave reflectance (dimensionless)
alpha = 0.23
# net radiation
Rn = (1 - alpha) * df_pen['Rs'] - Rb # (MJ/m2/d)
df_pen['Rn'] = Rn
Calculate the vapor pressure deficit, VPD, add a new column to df_pen
# vapor pressure deficit = VPD
def vp_sat(T):
return np.exp((16.78*T - 116.9)/(T + 237.3))
df_pen['es'] = vp_sat(df_pen['T'])
df_pen['ed'] = df_pen['es'] * df_pen['RH'] / 100
df_pen['VPD'] = df_pen['es'] - df_pen['ed']
Now that all variables have been defined, daily E_penman can be calculated.
$$ E_{tp} = \frac{\Delta}{\Delta+\gamma}Q_{ne}+ \frac{\gamma}{\Delta+\gamma}E_A $$$Q_n$ is the available energy flux density:
$$ Q_n = R_n - G, $$and $E_A$ is the drying power of the air:
$$ E_A = f_e(u)\cdot\text{VPD} $$Add a new column E_penman
to df_pen
def E_penman(df):
T = df['T']
Delta = df['Delta']
gamma = df['gamma']
Rn = df['Rn']
G = df['G']
EA = 6.43*df['f_wind'] * df['VPD']
lambd = df['lambda']
return ((Delta / (Delta + gamma))*(Rn - G) + ((gamma / (Delta + gamma))*EA)) / lambd
# daily_data
df_pen['E_penman'] = E_penman(df_pen)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10,7))
ax.set_ylabel(r"$ET_{penman}$ (mm d$^{-1}$)")
Make a plot with the following:
- the Penman (daily) estimate of the potential evapotranspiration.
- the Thornthwaite (monthly) estimate of the potential ET.
- daily evaporation pan data.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10,7))
ax.plot(df_pen['E_penman'], color="tab:red", label="Penman", linewidth=2)
ax.plot(df_th['Ep']/30, color="tab:blue", label="Thornthwaite", linewidth=2)
ax.plot(1*df2['pan evaporation (mm)'], color="black", label="pan", linewidth=2)
ylabel="evaporation (mm)")
Plot the mean temperatures used in the Penman calculation (daily mean) and in the Thornthwaite calculation (monthly mean).
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10,7))
ax.plot(df_pen['T'], color="tab:blue", label="Penman", linewidth=2)
ax.plot(df_th['T'], color="tab:orange", label="Thornthwaite", linewidth=2)
ylabel="temperature (°C)")